what we do

Frankly Speaking - Podcast on Responsible Business

Every two weeks, we discuss the latest political, legal, and business developments in the field of ESG, business and human rights, and corporate reporting.
Host Richard Howitt is a pioneer in the field of corporate disclosure and former Member of the European Parliament.

He speaks frankly and personally about what moves policy makers, business and activists to make responsible business the norm and last but not least - redefine business!
“The transition to sustainable business is often described as a ‘journey’. Wherever you are on that journey and whichever role you have, we hope that ‘Frankly Speaking’ will be a guide, a vehicle and a source of inspiration to move forward.”

Richard Howitt, Frankly Speaking Host

latest episode

#54 Michael H. Posner: Views from the U.S. on the Future of Business and Human Rights

There's very little pressure being applied to companies by investors looking at how they're actually behaving and treating human rights as a core business priority. This needs to change.

“Thanks for this very interesting podcast. It is encouraging that a serious and comprehensive approach to the issue of child labour results in a financially profitable and sustainable business”

Eckart von Malsen about Episode #40

"Very interesting conversation! At Learning and Knowledge Development Facility we are also thinking about systemic barriers for upstream sustainability. One of the transformations that need to take place in growth and business models is how we look at sustainability skills."

Alisa Herrero Cangas about Episode #39

“For anyone struggling with the day to day challenges of ESRS disclosures, I thoroughly recommend this wonderful conversation between Caroline Rees and Richard Howitt that reminds us of WHY this is all so very important.”

Francis West about Episode #36 

“Thank you for an excellent and highly informative episode and of course the brilliant work conducted by TNFD. I am looking forward to hearing more from TNFD about (tailored) sector guidance in the LEAP approach when available.”

Pia Horttanainen Croxford about Episode #35

“Great to get voices from the global south into the discussion- as it seems this is only addressed from a “burden” perspective in the EU and not from an opportunity and justice perspective !”

Christian Honoré about  Episode #34

“Another very helpful Frankly Speaking podcast from Richard Howitt, this time with his guest Filip Gregor on how to unpack the EU’s new standards for corporate sustainability reporting. The spaghetti soup is starting to unravel…”

Vanessa Zimmerman about  Episode #29

Past episodes


#17 David Atkin: New directions for the Principles for Responsible Investment

Listen to David Atkin, CEO of the Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI).


#16 Philippe Zaouati: Impact investment and the role of regulation

Listen to Philippe Zaouati, founder and CEO of Mirova, sustainability focused asset management fund.


#15 Sebastien Godinot: Key issues for corporate sustainability in 2023

Listen to Sebastien Godinot, chief economist and head of the sustainable finance unit at WWF’s EU Office.


#14 Filip Gregor: A quick guide on the EU reporting standards

Listen to Filip Gregor, member of the European Sustainability Reporting Standards Board of EFRAG and Head of Responsible Companies Section at Frank Bold.


#13 Fernanda Hopenhaym: Reflections on the 11th UN Business and Human Rights Forum

Listen to Fernanda Hopenhaym, Chair of the United Nations Working Group on Business and Human Rights.


#12 Chloe Cranston: Modern slavery and Uyghur forced labour

Listen to Chloe Cranston, Head of Thematic Advocacy at Anti-Slavery International.


#45 Sarah Dadush: Can Contracts Support Promoting Responsible Business?

Listen to Sarah Dadush, founder of the Responsible Contracting Project, writer and professor in business and human rights at Rutgers Law School