Listen to Veronica Poole, Global International Financial Reporting Standards and Corporate Reporting Leader at big four accountancy company Deloitte.
In this episode, you’ll find out how Veronica has been at the forefront of moves to set sustainability reporting standards for business to the creation of the International Sustainability Standards Board (ISSB). She is both one of the leaders in the world with knowledge about the ISSB but also with responsibilities to help companies implement its recommendations.
In this episode, you’ll hear more about:
“We need to have an integrated approach to assurance, and that basically means that the assurance provider needs to be fluent in financial information and to be fluent in sustainability disclosure. If that is the case, we get to higher quality of audit and to higher quality of assurance through that connected approach.”
Are there other ways to make green legislation easier for businesses besides dismantling the system? Listen to Donato Calace, SVP Market Leader, Partnerships & Innovation at Datamaran.
What are the options for moving forward while remaining true to the EU's sustainability framework? Listen to Filip Gregor, head of Responsible Companies, Frank Bold
How can companies get the data which they need from suppliers? Listen to Natalie Grillon (OS Hub) and Tara Scally (Zeeman) in Frankly Speaking.