about us
Finances and reports

Finances and reports

We follow our funding principles for transparency, ethics and value alignment. This ensures integrity and trust in our mission.

Principles of our financing

We do not accumulate profit for the purpose of its division between members.

We do not accept donations from legal entities who – directly or indirectly – violate human rights, invade the rights of employees, or damage the environment.

We utilise all earnings for the promotion of permanently sustainable provision of our organisation’s objectives.

We regularly release our activities and financial flows.

We are not connected to any political party.

We do not advocate the private interests of any person and do not accept bribes.

Our donors and funders

Responsible Companies and Responsible Energy sections of Frank Bold are funded by external funding.

Annual reports

We are happy to report back our efforts. You can download all annual reports of Frank Bold Society since our establishment in 2013.