what we do
Sustainability Due Diligence

Sustainability Due Diligence

We work to ensure that public policy supports business models focused on sustainable value creation and assure accountability for negative impacts on human rights and environment.
Accountability and due diligence are key for responsible business conduct. Through the due diligence process, companies identify and assess risks of significant negative impacts of their own operations and value chains. It helps them implement appropriate measures to prevent, address and remediate identified harm.

Our key initiatives

EU Policy

We have been a leading advocate behind the Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive (CSDDD) since 2006. We focus on its good implementation.

The CSDDD sets a risk-based approach that requires companies to identify and take appropriate action to address harmful impacts on human rights and the environment. A good implementation by companies is critical for tackling systemic challenges in global value chains and protecting people and nature. 

We have long promoted sustainability due diligence as a solution to accountability and governance gaps by:

  • Leading the work to ensure that the CSDDD addresses environmental and climate needs.
  • Promoting corporate leadership’s responsibility in the sustainability due diligence framework.
  • Providing expert advice to EU institutions, and publishing technical and legal briefings.
  • Guaranteeing that CSDDD and EU sustainability reporting standards are aligned with each other on key aspects and level of ambition for both due diligence and climate transition plans.

Building consensus

We help to lead civil society, and build collaboration with business leaders. Since 2007, we have been board members of the European Coalition for Corporate Justice.

Sustainability due diligence aims to tackle global problems. Reaching this goal requires alignment, collaboration and a common sense of direction among civil society and business leaders alike.

We contribute to the building of a common understanding on the problems, solutions and the development of responsible business conduct by:

  • Initiating strategic discussions and joint statements with progressive business, responsible investors, trade unions, academics and civil society.
  • Exploring and documenting companies’ experience on opportunities and competitive edge from sustainability.
  • Organising multistakeholder events on due diligence and the implementation of responsible business conduct standards.
  • Showcasing how due diligence can be implemented through conversations with business leaders on Frankly Speaking, our podcast on responsible business.

Key contacts

Julia Otten

Senior Policy Officer

Julia Otten

Senior Policy Officer
“We have to find an answer to stop exploitation and dumping practices in global value chains. Companies that act responsibly should not be disadvantaged in the EU market. The EU needs to act to protect the competitive sustainability of those companies that can secure the future of a healthy economy. Due diligence can increase companies' resilience and foster reliable and fair relationships in value chains, especially in times of crisis.”

Julia Otten, Senior Policy Officer