Register now: Conference "Frankly Speaking on Sustainability & Competitiveness"
Join us for our upcoming conference to engage in meaningful dialogue on shaping a sustainable and competitive future for the EU.
Join us for our upcoming conference to engage in meaningful dialogue on shaping a sustainable and competitive future for the EU.
Are you interested in participating in a project with global impact? Are you tempted to use your expertise and presentation skills to promote systemic changes at EU level for the protection of the environment, climate and human rights? Do you want to deal with partners and policy makers in Brussels and strategically develop an international platform working together to strengthen corporate responsibility?
The collaboration between the Purpose of the Corporation Project led by Frank Bold and the Modern Corporation Project run by Jeroen Veldman and Hugh Willmott from Cass Business School has won the 2019 International Impactful Collaboration Award.
The experience with the implementation of the Non-Financial Reporting Directive (NFRD) and the analysis of the current status of companies’ sustainability reporting indicates that without clearer legal requirements, no guidance, no matter how good, will have substantial effect on the quality of companies reporting.
Over 20 leading NGOs working on corporate transparency have published a statement calling on EU policy-makers to define companies’ disclosure obligations on sustainability issues on the occasion of tomorrow’s high-level conference on the future of corporate reporting hosted by the European Commission in Brussels.
A large group of civil society organisations have today set out their joint vision of what sustainable finance in Europe should look like, ahead of political transitions in the EU.
Under the Alliance for Corporate Transparency project Frank Bold and its partners have analysed how European companies disclose information necessary for understanding their impact on society and the environment, as required by the EU Non-financial Reporting Directive*.