frankly speaking podcast

#38 Nele Meyer: EU Due Diligence Rules Unpicked and Predictions for 2024

Listen to Nele Meyer, director of the European Coalition for Corporate Justice European network of NGOs which undertake advocacy on issues of corporate accountability.

In this first episode of 2024, we look back on a key achievement of the past year: the new EU rules given political agreement late in December on mandatory due diligence, and we look forward to what will be important in corporate sustainability, business and human rights in 2024.

In this episode, you’ll hear more about: 

  • A key achievement of the past year: the new EU Due Diligence rules
  • If the EU is falling behind in terms of sustainability legislation
  • Nele's crucial call to businesses
  • Their wishes and predictions for corporate sustainability and human rights for 2024

“The question of whether the EU is a leader in the field depends on perspective, varies across different areas, and EU trade interests. When we look at the environmental and climate crisis and advocate for a shift in trade and business conduct, it could all fall behind. I don't think the EU has time to take a pause now.”

Nele Meyer in Frankly Speaking

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