frankly speaking podcast

#62 Anna Triponel: Embedding Human Rights at the Heart of Corporate Culture

What are companies really doing to respect human rights? Listen to the recommendations of Anna Triponel from Human Level.

As the UN Annual Forum on Business and Human Rights wraps up today, we’re diving into a pressing question: What are companies really doing to respect human rights?

More importantly, is this less about policies and performance metrics and more about company culture, shaping not just what a business does, but how it operates at its core?

This week in Frankly Speaking, Richard Howitt receives Anna Triponel, a human rights expert with experience of working with hundreds of companies worldwide. Anna is the founder and CEO of Human Level, which works to “bring business back to the human level”.

You’ll hear more about: 

  • Exploring how respecting human rights goes beyond processes: it's about embedding them into the company culture
  • Why a strong culture of human rights means being open to uncomfortable truths
  • The pivotal role of a business leader's personality in fostering human rights respect
  • Breaking down Article 7 of the CSDDD and its implications for integrating human rights into corporate practices
  • Addressing human rights violations: how the OECD guidelines and national contact points can mediate solutions that work for businesses

Listen in and follow us on ⁠LinkedIn⁠!

"How does a company know when it's made the change or when it's achieved that? I often say to companies, it's when you're hearing the things you don't want to hear. It's when they're hearing things from their workers that they didn't think were happening, and they didn't think people were upset about or disappointed by. The proof of good culture is that people can feel issues are being raised. That we're talking about them, we're resolving them, and we move on. People are people, there will definitely be things that happen, it's impossible that it doesn't. So it's about how the workplace can support that."

Anna Triponel in Frankly Speaking

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