Petra Pintera


Petra is a lawyer in the Responsible Energy team. She specializes in administrative law, spatial planning and environmental law. She also specializes in legal assistance to municipalities in the exercise of their powers and a comprehensive agenda connected with the entry of a developer into the territory.

She also has experience in the field of private law, which she devoted herself to for a long time as part of her legal practice before joining Frank Bold.

Petra graduated from the Faculty of Law of Charles University, during her studies she completed a study stay at the Faculty of Law in Toulouse.

"I joined the Frank Bold team because it does not provide legal services just for the purpose of practicing law as such, but actively helps clients make good decisions, based on the values ​​that Frank Bold confesses and which are very close to me personally. Due to the wide and specific range of services provided, the office also helps implement visionary and socially beneficial projects. It also actively participates in legislative activities. This overlap is very important and fulfilling for me at work."

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Inhabitant of Ostrava suffering from lung cancer sues the Ministry of the Environment for air pollution

Yesterday, on 5 November 2018, a lawsuit against the Ministry of the Environment (MoE) on liability for health damages and death of her husband from lung cancer was filed with the District Court in Prague 10. The plaintiff seeks damages for lung cancer, which she has managed to cure, but her husband has succumbed to the illness in October. The cause of the disease is seen in the long-term excessive concentration of air pollutants at their place of residence in Ostrava-Radvanice and in the fact that the MoE failed to provide effective measures to decrease the pollution to legal limit values.

EBRD suspends loan for Romanian coal plant Turceni

Bucharest: The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) confirmed this week [1] that it has suspended plans to finance the refurbishment of the Turceni coal power plant in Romania [2]. The project is currently subject to a number of legal challenges on environmental grounds and Romanian authorities are investigating allegations of corruption at the plant.

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First Anti-Corruption Iniciative in Czech Republic

For the first time in the Czech Republic, a group of NGOs have banded together to support nine important anti-corruption measures.