Julia Otten

Policy Officer

Julia joined the Brussels team of the Responsible Companies section in 2021 and leads the work on corporate due diligence and directors’ obligations. She coordinates the EU advocacy work on these issues and implements Frank Bold’s policy outreach.

Before joining Frank Bold, Julia worked on corporate accountability and supply chain due diligence for several years at non-profit organization in Berlin. She has gained experience in advocacy, campaigning, and research, but also in academia and theatre.

Julia holds an MA in International Law from the Graduate Institute in Geneva and has studied International Relations at the University of Dresden and the Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny in Poznań. She likes to spend her holidays high up in the mountains.

„What motivates me to work in the field of business and human rights at Frank Bold, is how we are being very straightforward about what we propose and try to live up to it internally.”

My articles

Corporate responsibility experts: due diligence leads to greater resilience and prosperity

What is the content of sustainability due diligence standards, how can companies effectively implement due diligence, and what challenges and benefits does it bring to businesses? These and other questions were answered by speakers at the webinar organised by Frank Bold.

Civil society organisations call on policymakers to define meaningful supply chain reporting requirements

As part of the reform of the EU Non-Financial Reporting Directive, the European Commission plans to develop mandatory EU sustainability reporting standards. The analysis of the non-financial reports of 1000 European companies by the Alliance for Corporate Transparency has proven how companies fail to report relevant, specific and comparable information. While this is true for all sustainability matters, it is particularly exacerbated in the case of corporate impacts and risks along the supply chain.