The collaboration between the Purpose of the Corporation Project led by Frank Bold and the Modern Corporation Project run by Jeroen Veldman and Hugh Willmott from Cass Business School has won the 2019 International Impactful Collaboration Award.
The award given by the Practice Theme Committee (PTC) and the International Theme Committee (ITC) of the Academy of Management recognises international collaborations between academics and external stakeholders that have achieved demonstrable, external impact.
The partnership identified a growing sense of urgency on the link between corporate governance theory, practice and institutions and the materialization of significant corporate, social and systemic risks. By bringing together leading representatives from academia, civil society, regulators and practitioner communities, the awarded organisations built a platform that generates opportunities to develop relevant proposals for the reform of corporate governance and thus to engage with these risks.
You can read more about the award and the activities carried out by the partnership here:
As part of its strategy to implement the European Green Deal and the Action Plan on Financing Sustainable Growth, the European Commission presented its proposal for a Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive (CSDDD).
Following months of negotiations in the European Parliament, the amendments to the CSRD proposal have been approved by the JURI committee this Tuesday 15th of March.
The Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) proposal stipulates that EFRAG should be responsible for carrying out a due process to draft, consult and deliver EU sustainability standards for adoption by the European Commission. On 1 March, the EFRAG General Assembly appointed the members of the EFRAG Sustainability Reporting Board, which will be responsible for all sustainability reporting positions of EFRAG, including technical advice to the European Commission on draft EU Sustainability Reporting Standards and related amendments.