frankly speaking podcast

#25 Sonja Haut: Why ‘impact’ of the business is the next big thing

Listen to Sonja Haut, Head of Impact Valuation at pharmaceuticals company Novartis and member of the World Economic Forum Futures Council.

In this episode, we welcome Sonja Haut to discuss ‘impact’ - the idea that companies can calculate and use valuations of how the business affects society and the environment, and investors can put their money into supporting it. 

Sonja is a true pioneer and has published a book called ‘The Case for Impact’. Sonja is Head of Impact Valuation at the pharmaceuticals company Novartis and a member of the World Economic Forum Futures Council. 

Find out more about the impact economy, the role of transparency, corporate purpose, and more!

“Impact economy is really the future. The impact economy would be one in which the value of success and performance for companies, for businesses, but also for governments, hinges on environmental and societal impacts. And that would imply that as consumers, we have full transparency about the impacts of any product or services we need and buy.”

Sonja Haut in Frankly Speaking

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