frankly speaking podcast

#24 Agnese Ruggiero: Europe’s new green tariff on imports

Listen to Agnese Ruggiero: Policy Lead at Carbon Market Watch.

In this Frankly Speaking episode we discuss carbon tariffs this week. In May 2023, the European Union's green tariff, known as the Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism or CBAM, came into force. To go over this development, we welcome one of its key advocates, Agnese Ruggiero, Policy Lead at Carbon Market Watch, an independent watchdog working on carbon pricing, carbon markets and industrial decarbonisation. 

Listen in to a conversation about: 

  • What the carbon border adjustment mechanism is, how it will work and why it is important
  • Its relationship to the emissions’ trading scheme
  • Climate finance for developing countries
  • The United States’ decision to subsidize decarbonisation
  • How it relates to international trade rules 
  • Promoting further pathways to decarbonisation

“I don't believe that it is a protectionist type of regulation. Having a price on the carbon emitted in Europe is a good tool to incentivize decarbonization. Similarly, putting a price on the emissions that are produced when manufacturing products outside Europe is a good idea to incentivize decarbonization also among trading partners.”

Agnese Ruggiero in Frankly Speaking

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