frankly speaking podcast

#20 Dimitri Vergne: The new EU anti-greenwashing law - what you need to know

Listen to Dimitri Vergne, team leader for sustainability at the European Consumer Organisation BEUC.

In this episode, we welcome Dimitri Vergne, team leader for sustainability at the European Consumer Organisation BEUC to discuss the newly published EU anti-greenwashing law, the draft Directive on green claims. Dimitri has been a principal advocate for this law and explains what it means for consumers and for business.

He shares his insights on:

  • The greenwashing problem and claims of carbon neutrality
  • Key elements of the draft law and its enforcement 
  • Benefits for companies
  • Product environmental footprint methodologies
  • Consumer groups bringing legal action
  • The right to repair proposal

“Carbon neutrality is one of the most striking examples of greenwashing: You're told that your flight might be carbon-neutral. Or the bananas you buy. But every product generates CO2 emissions. Companies are claiming carbon neutrality by offsetting or compensating for the emissions linked to the product. The problem is that many of these offsetting schemes are not trustworthy.”

Dimitri Vergne in Frankly Speaking

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