frankly speaking podcast

#15 Sebastien Godinot: Key issues for corporate sustainability in 2023

Listen to Sebastien Godinot, chief economist and head of the sustainable finance unit at WWF’s EU Office.

In the first Frankly Speaking podcast of 2023, we welcome Sebastien Godinot, chief economist and head of the sustainable finance unit at WWF’s EU Office. 

We reflect on upcoming developments in 2023, amongst them: 

  • Closing gaps in corporate sustainability reporting
  • Spurt in energy efficiency and renewable energy 
  • Moving beyond disclosure to corporate due diligence
  • Biodiversity and the Taskforce on Nature-related Financial Disclosure 
  • Extending the EU Taxonomy
  • Geopolitics affecting the agenda: Brazil and the United States
  • Net Positive and Regenerative Economics 

Plus: comments on last year’s experiences, such as walking out of the EU Sustainable Finance Platform!

“It’s time to go beyond disclosure in 2023 and towards alignment of corporate business models and portfolios of financial institutions with publicly agreed policy goals like the Paris Climate Agreement or recently the Montreal Agreement on Biodiversity. Companies need to set targets and implement transition plans to explain how they will become consistent with these objectives.”

Sebastien Godinot in Frankly Speaking

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