what we do
Alliance For Corporate Transparency

Alliance For Corporate Transparency

A platform for discussion and collaboration to advance practice, standardisation and legal clarity for companies’ sustainability reporting.

Our activities

Since 2019, the platform gathers civil society organisations to provide evidence on the status of corporate transparency on sustainability-related risks and impacts, and develop expert recommendations and guidance for regulators and businesses. Our analysis has been key in the development of the European legal framework.


See study 2019

Analysis of the climate, environmental and governance reporting of 300 companies in Central, Eastern and Southern Europe.
Interactive database

See study 2020

Analysis of the information disclosed by 1000 European companies on their environmental and societal risks and impacts.
Interactive database

Multi-stakeholder dialogue

As coordinator of the platform, Frank Bold hosts two groups with leading sustainability experts from the business and investor communities

Policy Forum 

Bi-monthly exchanges are organised with a view to develop multi-stakeholder consensus on European and global reforms on corporate transparency.

→ Members include: Investor Alliance for Human Rights, World Benchmarking Alliance, Principle for Responsible Investment, Eurosif and Amfori. 

Business Advisory Panel  

Regular discussions on the latest policy changes and development of best practice for responsible and sustainable corporate behaviour.

→ Members include representatives from Moncler, Ericsson, Maersk, Kering, H&M, Schneider Electric, INGKA and Tony’s Chocolonely.


Frank Bold
Business and Human Rights Resource Centre
B Lab Europe
CDP Europe
Economy for the Common Good
Environmental Defense Fund
Future Fit Business
Global Witness
Natural Resource Governance Institute
Transport & Environment
Publish What You Pay
Resource Matters
WDI - Thomson Reuters Foundation
WWF EU Office



Industries with high sustainability risks and impacts to get EU sector-specific standards adopted as soon as ready

EU policy-makers agreed last night to postpone by two years the deadline for the adoption of sector-specific standards for companies sustainability reporting, which was initially set in the EU Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive for June 2024.


Commission’s Proposal Undermines Transparency Rules for Corporate Sustainability Reporting

Last Friday, the European Commission published for public consultation a draft Delegated Act on the first set of European Sustainability Reporting Standards. NGOs, civil society groups and investors associations are very concerned with the significant reduction of the ambition compared to EFRAG’s technical advice and urge the Commission to introduce a robust, mandatory and consistent reporting framework and to not allow greenwashing.


FAQ on the Draft European Sustainability Reporting Standards

Amid current discussions on the shape of the European Sustainability Reporting Standards (ESRS), Frank Bold has developed an FAQ to answer the most important questions around the ESRS.


Civil Society Organisations Urge the European Commission to Adopt an Ambitious Set of Sector-Agnostic Reporting Standards

NGOs and civil society groups will only support an ambitious first set of sector-agnostic ESRS that closely builds on the EFRAG drafts adopted last November. They urge the Commission to follow EFRAG’s technical advice alongside 60+ companies and investors worth 651bn USD, and caution against making significant changes at this stage, as this would risk discrediting the process so far and undoing a good compromise.

Key contacts

Susanna Arus

EU Public Affairs Manager

Sarah Chenoun

Communications officer

Julia Otten

Senior Policy Officer

Daniel Torán

Policy and Research Officer
“All partners involved in the Alliance for Corporate Transparency bring in essential expertise and valuable recommendations to ensure a good implementation of the EU Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive and EU Sustainability Reporting Standards. As the EU continues to work in developing supportive guidance and sector-specific standards, we will keep assessing critically the gaps and good practice from companies’ sustainability disclosures in order to propose and discuss key recommendations with civil society, business and investor leaders and policy-makers.”
Susanna Arus, EU Public Affairs Manager

Susanna Arus, EU Public Affairs Manager