NGOs and civil society groups will only support an ambitious first set of sector-agnostic ESRS that closely builds on the EFRAG drafts adopted last November. They urge the Commission to follow EFRAG’s technical advice alongside 60+ companies and investors worth 651bn USD, and caution against making significant changes at this stage, as this would risk discrediting the process so far and undoing a good compromise.
ESRS are a milestone in corporate reporting towards more consistent and comparable sustainability disclosures. EFRAG’s technical advice to the European Commission provides a sound, holistic and coherent framework to achieve this objective. It was adopted without dissent by the EFRAG Sustainability Reporting Board, following an extensive multistakeholder process that drew on the expertise of all stakeholders.
Some organisations are now calling on the Commission to reduce the scope of the standards. We believe this would be a mistake since any further reduction in the scope, content or coverage of the ESRS would undermine the credibility of the process, the support of civil society and the development of sector-specific standards. The compromise reached by EFRAG after lengthy and sometimes difficult discussions represents a careful balance between different views and stakeholder interests.
In this spirit, civil society organisations would like to state that :
Electricity sharing in Czechia represents a relatively recent but increasingly popular phenomenon. With the implementation of the regulatory framework that enables the formation of Energy Communities (ECs) starting in July 2024, 20 ECs have already been established. In addition, the law also activates the possibility of energy sharing by “an active consumer”. What does the existing regulatory framework entail, and what challenges does it encounter?
Join us for our upcoming conference to engage in meaningful dialogue on shaping a sustainable and competitive future for the EU.
Several German ministries led by the Socialist and Green parties have sent a letter to the EU Commission with the objective of rolling back European legislation on corporate sustainability reporting. This legal framework will be applicable to 27 EU Member States as of January 1st, 2025, but German parties, immersed in electoral and political infighting, are using this legislation to promise quick, but dysfunctional solutions.