Susanna Arus

EU Public Affairs Manager

Susanna leads, designs, and implements the global communication strategy for Frank Bold’s Purpose of the Corporation Project. She has thus coordinated multiple workshops and events in Brussels and throughout Europe. Above all, she organized the project’s Creating Sustainable Companies Summit, held on September 28, 2016, which brought together over 100 participants and 30 speakers for 12 summit sessions.

Susanna also helps to create and distribute the project’s reports, position papers, and policy responses. She is in charge of the graphic design of the Project’s publications and audio-visual work, and manages its media relations.

Susanna is a graduate of the journalism program at the University of Barcelona. Before her engagement at Frank Bold, she worked in the public and private sectors and for non-profits. Her work today harnesses the wealth of skills she has gained in media, events, communications, graphic design, video and photo production.

My articles

Recommendations on Corporate Governance in the Draft EU Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive

As part of its strategy to implement the European Green Deal and the Action Plan on Financing Sustainable Growth, the European Commission presented its proposal for a Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive (CSDDD).

The EU Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive and mandatory EU standards closer to becoming adopted

Following months of negotiations in the European Parliament, the amendments to the CSRD proposal have been approved by the JURI committee this Tuesday 15th of March.

FAQ on human rights and environmental due diligence: What it means and how to do it

In response to demands from investors and companies, the European Commission presented a proposal for a Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive (CSDDD) in February 2022. The Directive is also a response to France, Germany and Norway adopting legislation on due diligence and attempts to harmonize and introduce one European standard of responsible business conduct.