Laura Otýpková

Lawyer and Head of the Responsible Energy Team

Laura joined Frank Bold in 2016 as an intern. In 2017, she joined the Responsible Energy team, which she has led since 2021. Her main focus is on climate protection and the energy transition from coal to clean and sustainable sources. She sees the future in decentralised renewable generation and community energy.

She graduated from the Faculty of Law of Charles University, where she received her Ph.D. During her studies, she focused mainly on administrative and constitutional law. She gained experience in a law firm, the Ministry of Justice, various non-profit projects, and as a Czech Girl Scout.

You can also connect with Laura on LinkedIn or Twitter.

“Working at Frank Bold allows me to combine my personal beliefs and values, a desire to change the world, and a professional approach to problem solving. I value the integrity and courage with which we approach current societal challenges.”

My articles

Grid Study II published: New scenarios of Czech coal phase-out

What would happen to Czech power grid in 2030 if all coal power plants were shut down? Even without coal-fired generation it is possible to ensure stable electricity supply in the Czech Republic, proves a study which we publicly presented in May 2018. Now we introduce new additional scenarios to the study, again analysed by Energynautics.

Grants are not enough. Air polluters must bear the responsibility and the State must start to solve the problem quickly

People in the Czech Republic have the right to fresh air but this right is being violated and it is necessary to take effective measures. Representatives of the European Commission, Czech government, industry and Non-Governmental Organizations‘ (NGO) all agree on that.