Filip Gregor

Head of the Responsible Companies Team

Filip is an expert in corporate responsibility and governance. In the Czech Republic, he has been involved in large foreign investment cases and has focused on consumer litigation. He is head of the Responsible Business Section at Frank Bold and coordinates the activities of Frank Bold's Brussels office. Together with his Brussels team, he launched the Purpose of the Corporation project, which creates a space for a global debate on the purpose of the corporation as an institution and the development of a legal framework for their governance.

Since 2007, Frank Bold has also represented the European Coalition for Corporate Justice (ECCJ) – on its Steering Committee, a pan-European initiative that promotes reform of EU corporate liability law. He has led several global research projects aimed at setting the legal framework for global business. He was a member of the European Commission's Expert Group on Non-Financial Reporting and is a member of the Eminent Persons Group, which oversees the development of a framework for reporting and auditing human rights information based on the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights. He is also a member of the Czech National Focal Point of the OECD and Chairman of the Board of the Hyundai Foundation.

“For me, Frank Bold is first and foremost an organization of people I respect for their human qualities. Thanks to them, Frank Bold is able to fulfil the true purpose of law in a democracy – the protection of justice, personal freedom, and solidarity. We didn't choose the name of our organization by chance. Approaching the law in this way requires boldness and honesty. My personal motivation to be a part of Frank Bold is linked to his courage to step out of the calm legal waters and address the root causes of the fundamental challenges we face as a society.”

My articles

Human Rights Due Diligence Report Launch & Reception

The International Corporate Accountability Roundtable (ICAR), the European Coalition for Corporate Justice (ECCJ) and the Canadian Network on Corporate Accountability (CNCA), are pleased to announce the launch of our Human Rights Due Diligence Report, the common approaches and available options resulting from the “Human Rights Due Diligence Project.”

Transparency Conference

Environmental Law Service is co-organising a half-day conference on lobbying transparency, ethics regulation and citizens participation, taking place in Brussels on 16 November.