Eliška Beranová

Environmental & Energy Lawyer

Eliška has been part of the Responsible Energy team since 2018. She has focused for some time on strategic litigation, integrated prevention (IPPC), community energy, and the transformation of the Czech energy sector towards clean, low-emissions energy sources. Since 2022 she has led the Community Energy Union legislative group, established by the purpose-driven Frank Bold group in cooperation with Friends of the Earth Czech Republic.

She gained her valuable experience in environmental law and energy law in, inter alia, academia as a research assistant at Charles University in Prague, at a study stay at the University of Oslo, and in the non-governmental non-profit sector.

In her spare time she enjoys writing fiction, heads the Poustevna community centre, experiments in the kitchen, and takes long hikes with her husband František and terrier Jack.

“What I most appreciate about working at Frank is the variety. One day you might be writing an amendment to the Energy Act, the next heading to a meeting at the Senate, a little later recording an interview for the radio, or on another day spending hours considering the content of an environmental impact assessment, parts of which are written only in Polish. So it probably isn’t for everybody, but I really enjoy the dynamics and the possibility of pushing the boundaries of my own comfort zone a little further every day.”

My articles

Počerady Power Plant: We Won the Fight Against an Extensive Emission Limits Derogation

Together with other environmental organizations, we succeeded in revoking a derogation from the emission levels associated with the best available techniques for the Počerady Power Plant, the largest producer of greenhouse gases in the Czech Republic. The illegal derogation allowed the plant to emit unprecedented amounts of toxic mercury. Now it is the turn of the Ministry of the Environment to push for an end to the ongoing illegal situation.

Frank Bold successfully ended project LIFE LEGAL ACTIONS

The "LIFE-Legal Actions - Right to Clean Air" (LIFE15 GIE/DE/795) project ended in November 2019. The Layman's Report, written for a general audience, summarizes the work and results of the project as well as its long-term environmental Benefits.