
Webinar: Sustainable corporate governance and non-financial reporting: finding a pathway to policy coherence

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Meeting the goal of the European Green Deal to achieve no net GHG emissions by 2050 requires at least half trillion euros of additional investments in the EU every year and will involve significant market and regulatory changes targeting every sector of the economy. This will profoundly change how companies and their directors need to integrate sustainability concerns in their strategies and business decisions.

Participate in the webinar co-organised by Frank Bold and Climate Disclosure Standards Board on February 9th (9.30-11h CET) to hear from important business, academic, policy-making and civil society representatives (programme below)

Didier Reynders, Commissioner for Justice stressed the relevance of the Sustainable Corporate Governance agenda “for the sustainability, competitiveness and resilience of the businesses in the long run as well as for human rights protection and our international commitments, such as the UN Sustainable Development Goals and the goals of the Paris Agreement on climate.”

The magnitude of risks and opportunities is unprecedented, as summarised by EU Commissioner Mairead McGuinness for Financial services “when addressing the major challenges that lay ahead, we are faced with some tough choices, especially about where we direct future financing and investment (...) If we get this right, we’ll embrace enormous transformation opportunities by making sure we channel investment into companies that can deliver on our green and sustainable objectives.

The reform of the EU Non-Financial Reporting Directive and the new Sustainable Corporate Governance initiative are two main tools that will be presented in 2021 by the European Commission to smooth the transition for companies and financial market actors, increase market stability, and ensure that impacts in value chains are accounted for.

Critically, the positive impact of each initiative is closely connected and depends on that of the other. However, the broad examination of corporate governance conducted by DG Justice has recently opened a heated debate unlike any other element of the European Sustainable Finance Strategy.

This event aims to take a sober look at the connection between the non-financial reporting and the corporate governance reforms. Speakers will discuss how the EU sustainable corporate governance initiative can be focused on helping directors and financial markets to develop and connect sustainability strategies, target setting, transition plans and reporting obligations.

Date: 9 February 2021, 9.30 - 11h CET

Organisers: Climate Disclosure Standards Board and Frank Bold (coordinator of the Alliance for Corporate Transparency)

Registration: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/1616124386050/WN_mqjng3xoSe-U1jPY78Vg_w


09:30h Welcome & Introductory remarks

  • Mardi McBrien, Managing Director, CDSB

09:35h Opening keynote: What does the European Commission want to achieve with the Sustainable Corporate Governance initiative?

  • Didier Reynders, EU Commissioner for Justice (video message)

09:45 Academic perspective: What is needed to clarify directors’ duty of care vis-a-vis due diligence, materiality determination and sustainability targets

  • Andrew Johnston, University of Warwick, author of the statement of 75 senior company law scholars and experts “Corporate Governance for Sustainability
  • Filip Gregor, Head of Responsible Companies Section, Frank Bold (moderator)

09:55 Experience from practitioners:  How can corporate governance and non-financial reporting frameworks help

  • Théo Jaekel, Corporate Responsibility Expert, Ericsson
  • Steve Waygood, Aviva Chief Responsible Investment Officer
  • Caroline Avan, Advocacy Officer, Oxfam France
  • George Dallas, Policy Director at the International Corporate Governance Network
  • Richard Howitt, Senior Advisor, Frank Bold (moderator)

10:45 Closing notes: the future of sustainable corporate governance in the EU and beyond

  • Alberto Carrillo Pineda, co-founder, Science-Based Targets initiative
  • Heidi Hautala, MEP, EU Parliament Vice-President and chair of the Responsible Working Group

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