Join us for our upcoming webinar where we present the findings from our analysis of sustainability disclosures by 100 large EU companies in high-impact sectors.
📅 When? 19.11.2024 from 09:30 am to 11 am CET
Look forward to hearing from:
In this session, we will explore how businesses are aligning with the EU Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) and the EU Sustainability Reporting Standards (ESRS). Get more insights on key challenges, emerging best practices, and the overall readiness of companies in providing meaningful ESG disclosures. Our research focused on assessing how companies are reporting on:
We examined sustainability statements of 100 influential EU companies in top 5 high-impacts sectors prioritised for the development of EU sector standards: Textiles, Finance, Road Transportation, Energy, Food & Beverage.
The evidence and conclusions drawn from this research will contribute to the ongoing development of sector-specific sustainability standards and implementation guidance, with a particular focus on climate-related disclosures and due diligence.
Frank Bold Society and the Neighbourhood Association Uhelná have drawn up a document with seven basic requirements that the Czech side should insist on when negotiating with Poland. See the press release for background information.
In the face of recent opposition addressed to the EU Commission by some business associations and specific governments from Nordic Europe, NGOs have reiterated their support for the European Commission commitment to present an initiative on Sustainable Corporate Governance in 2021, following the roadmap set in the EU Green Deal and the Action Plan on Sustainable Finance.
As part of the reform of the EU Non-Financial Reporting Directive, the European Commission plans to develop mandatory EU sustainability reporting standards. The analysis of the non-financial reports of 1000 European companies by the Alliance for Corporate Transparency has proven how companies fail to report relevant, specific and comparable information. While this is true for all sustainability matters, it is particularly exacerbated in the case of corporate impacts and risks along the supply chain.