Join us for our upcoming webinar where we present the findings from our analysis of sustainability disclosures by 100 large EU companies in high-impact sectors.
📅 When? 19.11.2024 from 09:30 am to 11 am CET
Look forward to hearing from:
In this session, we will explore how businesses are aligning with the EU Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) and the EU Sustainability Reporting Standards (ESRS). Get more insights on key challenges, emerging best practices, and the overall readiness of companies in providing meaningful ESG disclosures. Our research focused on assessing how companies are reporting on:
We examined sustainability statements of 100 influential EU companies in top 5 high-impacts sectors prioritised for the development of EU sector standards: Textiles, Finance, Road Transportation, Energy, Food & Beverage.
The evidence and conclusions drawn from this research will contribute to the ongoing development of sector-specific sustainability standards and implementation guidance, with a particular focus on climate-related disclosures and due diligence.
After several months of delay, today, the European Commission presented its proposal for a Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive in Brussels. The main objective of this new legislation is to integrate into European law international standards such as the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights - adopted globally over a decade ago - and standards developed and approved by the OECD.
What is the content of sustainability due diligence standards, how can companies effectively implement due diligence, and what challenges and benefits does it bring to businesses? These and other questions were answered by speakers at the webinar organised by Frank Bold.
On 23 February 2022, the European Commission released its proposal for a directive on Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence. This directive could represent a landmark step forward in minimising the negative impacts of businesses on workers, communities and the environment worldwide. In response, over 220 NGOs and trade unions from around the world welcome the proposal as an essential and long-awaited step toward corporate accountability, responsible business conduct and access to justice.