
NGOs Open letter: Strong concerns about the delay in the publication of the Sustainable Corporate Governance initiative

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Frank Bold together with other leading NGOs working on corporate sustainability and sustainable finance raised strong concerns about the delay in the publication of the Sustainable Corporate Governance initiative, as well as the lack of information explaining such new delay.

The shift towards a more sustainable economy committed through the EU Green Deal and the Sustainable Finance Agenda must be implemented at a corporate level. Connecting the dots between companies’ sustainability reporting, upcoming due diligence obligations and corporate governance is essential to support long-term value creation by EU companies. We therefore sent an open letter to the Commission urging them to support an effective proposal and to close the gaps in due diligence and corporate governance.

Read the full open letter "Risking Effective Sustainable Corporate Governance".

Open Letter: Risking Effective Sustainable Corporate Governance
280 kB

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