The Committee on Legal Affairs of the European Parliament adopts improvements on the Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive.
Today the Legal Affairs Committee of the European Parliament has voted in favour of a set of compromise amendments to the Commission’s Draft Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive (CSDDD). The Committee’s position was adopted with a strong majority of 19 to 3 votes. The compromises further strengthen the risk-based approach to due diligence compared to the Commission’s proposal and the Council’s General Approach. In addition, they align the duty to conduct due diligence and stakeholder consultation closer with the international standards laid down in the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights and OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises.
Overall, the text adopted today is a step in the right direction. However, several elements have been watered down during the negotiations.
A Directive on Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence could represent a landmark step forward in ensuring the contribution of business to a green and just transition to a net-zero economy and minimising negative impacts of businesses on workers, communities and the environment in global value chains. The set of compromise amendments adopted today still has to be voted on in the plenary of the European Parliament at the end of May. Afterwards, the three co-legislators - the Parliament, the Commission and the Council - will enter into Trilogues to agree on the final shape of the directive. Frank Bold calls on all Members of Parliament to vote in favour of the JURI proposal.
For a more detailed overview of our recommendations and priorities on the CSDDD, please refer to our April 2023 position:
The study on the sustainability disclosures of 100 influential companies from high-impact sectors provides an early reflection on the general readiness for businesses in the EU to meet the expectations of the upcoming EU sustainability rules and standards. Our report contributes to identifying the main challenges, as well as to highlight emerging good practices.
Thanks to legal support from the Frank Bold expert group, the Czech Neighborhood Association Uhelná, which has been opposing the adverse effects of mining at the Polish Turów mine, has achieved a significant milestone: at their initiative, the Czech Environmental Inspectorate (CEI) launched an investigation to assess whether mining activities at Turów are causing long-term water loss on the Czech side of the border. This is one of the first cases in which the Czech office has applied the Act on the Prevention of Ecological Damage. The Inspectorate has also included the Polish mining company PGE in the proceedings.
Join us for our upcoming webinar where we present the findings from our analysis of sustainability disclosures by 100 large EU companies in high-impact sectors.