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Together with other environmental organizations, we succeeded in revoking a derogation from the emission levels associated with the best available techniques for the Počerady Power Plant, the largest producer of greenhouse gases in the Czech Republic. The illegal derogation allowed the plant to emit unprecedented amounts of toxic mercury. Now it is the turn of the Ministry of the Environment to push for an end to the ongoing illegal situation.

EU Commission requests advice on the creation of European non-financial reporting standards

Executive Vice President Valdis Dombrovskis already announced in January that following the publication of the Green Deal and the initiation of the revision of the EU Non-Financial Reporting Directive (NFRD), he would invite EFRAG to “undertake preparatory work for the elaboration of possible EU non-financial reporting standards”.

Joint statement on the reform of the EU legal framework on corporate transparency on sustainability matters

A group of leading organisations in the field of sustainable finance, including Frank Bold, issued a joint statement with recommendations for the upcoming revision of the Non-Financial Reporting Directive*.

Leading academics publish crucial policy recommendations to make corporate governance more sustainable

With less than a decade left to address the threat of climate change, the EU Commission has launched its Green Deal. And today, the EU Finnish Presidency conference on company law and climate change addresses the emerging consensus that businesses need to be held accountable for their contribution.

Job advert: Advocacy officer in corporate responsibility

Are you interested in participating in a project with global impact? Are you tempted to use your expertise and presentation skills to promote systemic changes at EU level for the protection of the environment, climate and human rights? Do you want to deal with partners and policy makers in Brussels and strategically develop an international platform working together to strengthen corporate responsibility?

Commentary on the EU Commission's new guidelines on climate reporting

The experience with the implementation of the Non-Financial Reporting Directive (NFRD) and the analysis of the current status of companies’ sustainability reporting indicates that without clearer legal requirements, no guidance, no matter how good, will have substantial effect on the quality of companies reporting.

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