
Frank Bold news

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Together with other environmental organizations, we succeeded in revoking a derogation from the emission levels associated with the best available techniques for the Počerady Power Plant, the largest producer of greenhouse gases in the Czech Republic. The illegal derogation allowed the plant to emit unprecedented amounts of toxic mercury. Now it is the turn of the Ministry of the Environment to push for an end to the ongoing illegal situation.

Frank Bold will participate in the development of EU Sustainability Reporting Standards as a member of the EFRAG Sustainability Reporting Board

The Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) proposal stipulates that EFRAG should be responsible for carrying out a due process to draft, consult and deliver EU sustainability standards for adoption by the European Commission. On 1 March, the EFRAG General Assembly appointed the members of the EFRAG Sustainability Reporting Board, which will be responsible for all sustainability reporting positions of EFRAG, including technical advice to the European Commission on draft EU Sustainability Reporting Standards and related amendments.

The EU Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive and mandatory EU standards closer to becoming adopted

Following months of negotiations in the European Parliament, the amendments to the CSRD proposal have been approved by the JURI committee this Tuesday 15th of March.

Investors, asset managers and civil society organisations call MEPs to broaden the scope of the EU Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive

Dear Members of the European Parliament, In the next couple of weeks, various committees in the European Parliament will vote on their proposals to reform the EU Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD). In view of that, the co-signing organisations are calling for broadening the scope of the companies to be covered by the new rules by including all listed SMEs, as well as non-listed SMEs operating in high-risk sectors, subject to proportional rules.

Why we need to get improved corporate sustainability data by 2024

Investors, asset managers and civil society organisations call for the prompt implementation of the reform on corporate sustainability reporting and EU standards

NGOs Open letter: Strong concerns about the delay in the publication of the Sustainable Corporate Governance initiative

Frank Bold together with other leading NGOs working on corporate sustainability and sustainable finance raised strong concerns about the delay in the publication of the Sustainable Corporate Governance initiative, as well as the lack of information explaining such new delay.

What data shall companies and investors report on sustainability? Guideline for upcoming EU legislations requirements

We have analysed hundreds of pages of technical documents and prepared a comprehensive overview of the sustainability reporting requirements under the forthcoming EU legislation. We summarise what ESG data will be critical for companies, banks, and investors in sustainability strategy and management and in the areas of climate change, environment, sustainable activities, employees and supply chains, due diligence, and anti-corruption measures.

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