frankly speaking podcast

#65 Countdown to Omnibus: Join the Conference on Sustainability & Competitiveness

Why the Omnibus, portrayed by some as a tidying up exercise to get rid of duplication, should be seen as something more serious than that? Listen to Filip Gregor, Head of Responsible Companies at Frank Bold.

In this special edition of the podcast, Richard Howitt sits down with Filip Gregor, head of Responsible Companies at Frank Bold to invite you to our upcoming ⁠conference on Sustainability & Competitiveness⁠ that will highlight why the Omnibus, portrayed by some as a tidying up exercise to get rid of duplication, should be seen as something more serious than that.

Omnibus regulation preparation is in the hot stage. The Commission is set to unveil its proposals in February, yet the negotiations remain secretive and shrouded.

Germany is aggressively lobbying to unravel the CSRD, which is challenging the entire EU ESG agenda.

Meanwhile, tens of thousands of EU companies have already invested in implementation and do not know what to expect. Sustainability leaders are warning against the loss of trust and pointing out the critical role that these legislation have for sustainability, capital markets and EU businesses success.

Is the EU ESG framework a scapegoat or the culprit of the EU and German economic slowdown?

What has the sudden 180˚ turn on sustainability, and the economic problems, have to do with betting on cheap Russian gas and Chinese market in the past decades? And why do the BRICS call EU ESG laws ‘discriminatory protectionist measures under pretext of environmental concerns’ that distort competition?

At our January 30th conference, we’ll tackle the above pressing questions with leading experts and businesses, and:

  • What to expect from the Omnibus and what it means for companies’ efforts on CSRD, Taxonomy and CSDDD
  • How we can sensibly streamline EU ESG reporting legislation so it helps European business and it is not perceived as a burden
  • What is the role of the EU sustainability framework for level playing field and EU resilience and sovereignty 

Seats are filling fast for this high-impact discussion! Join us in Brussels or online on January 30th.

Reserve your spot now: https://www.eventbrite.be/e/frankly-speaking-on-sustainability-and-competitiveness-tickets-1104355540149?aff=oddtdtcreator  

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