frankly speaking podcast

#47 Caio de Oliveira: the State of Corporate Sustainability Reporting in the World in 2024

Listen to Caio de Oliveira, policy analyst for the Directorate for Financial and Enterprise Affairs at the OECD

In this Frankly Speaking episode, we put the spotlight on a new report produced by the OECD and analysing the state of corporate sustainability reporting in the world. 

To discuss it, we welcome Caio de Oliveira, policy analyst within the Directorate for Financial and Enterprise Affairs at the OECD. 

Caio has had major responsibility in producing the report and who leads the sustainability work streams at the OECD on behalf of the Corporate Governance Committee and the Financial Markets Committee at the organisation. Caio has previously worked for the Brazilian government's Economic Ministry and for the country's Securities and Exchange Commission (CVM).

In this episode, you’ll hear more about: 

  • The findings of the OECD’s Global Corporate Sustainability 2024 report
  • How much and to what degree is sustainability reporting going on by companies
  • The high levels of reporting of scope 1 and scope 2 GHG emissions compared to low levels of scope 3 indirect emissions reporting

“From a capital markets perspective, the most important key issue that can really drive change is better information. The report shows that most large companies in most jurisdictions already report environmental and social information. So the question now is not really whether those large companies should disclose but much more about the quality of the disclosure.”

Caio de Oliveira in Frankly Speaking

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