frankly speaking podcast

#14 Filip Gregor: A quick guide on the EU reporting standards

Listen to Filip Gregor, member of the European Sustainability Reporting Standards Board of EFRAG and Head of Responsible Companies Section at Frank Bold.

Frankly Speaking welcomes Filip Gregor who guides our listeners through the draft EU sustainability reporting standards that have recently been submitted to the European Commission. Filip was closely involved in the development of those standards as a member of the European Sustainability Reporting Standards Board of EFRAG. He is the head of the Responsible Companies at Frank Bold, a board member at the European Coalition for Corporate Justice and of the OECD National Contact Point in the Czech Republic, where he is based. 

Listen in to learn more about:

  • Key topics from draft EU sustainability standards (ESRS)
  • Climate transition plans and sustainability due diligence
  • Why a company can't have good sustainability related financial reporting if it doesn't know its impacts
  • Why the EU's overarching approach to sustainability leads to coherent standards
  • What are the next steps and how sector specific standards come into the picture

“In Europe, we've developed standards that address both the financial risks and opportunities for the company, as well as the material impacts measured from the perspective of society, the environment, the planet, and the survival of humankind. By doing it all together, we were able to build a coherent system that shows how financial risks for a company and human rights issues are connected, such as access to water.”

Filip Gregor in Frankly Speaking

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