frankly speaking podcast

#10 Christoph Töpfer: Climate Reporting and Environmental Due Diligence

Listen to Christoph Töpfer, policy and research officer at the German Environment Agency (UBA).

It’s week two of the 27th UN Climate Conference and Frankly Speaking welcomes Germany's leading expert on business sustainability and climate reporting, Christoph Töpfer from the German Environment Agency (Umweltbundesamt), to talk about draft climate reporting standards in Europe and globally, transition plans (and what must be in it), environmental due diligence and how companies can assess their environmental risks. Listen in and share our conversation!

Please note that this conversation reflects Christoph‘s own views and must not be interpreted as a position of the German federal government.


  • Takeaways from the 27th UN Climate Conference
  • The EU’s own draft climate reporting standard
  • A comparison between what's being proposed in Europe and globally by the ISSB
  • Transition plans and what should be in it?
  • Not relying on carbon credits
  • Environmental due diligence and the German Supply Chain Act
  • New series of studies by the German Environmental Agency on the hotspots of environmental risks and how companies can assess these (in German) 
  • ISO 14002 and environmental management systems
  • And more personal reflections

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“A transition plan essentially is the strategic tool for translating a commitment into action. So what needs to be in it are GHG emission reduction targets, but also decarbonization levers and governance mechanisms and financing making the plan credible.”

Christoph Töpfer in Frankly Speaking

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